
Abstracts for both oral and poster presentaitons are to be submitted through a dedicated form on this webpage. A password to access the form will be provided to each participant after a successful registration.

The abstracts (one paragraph of max. 250 words, plus up to five keywords) should be prepared in the structure indicated below, ideally by editing this downloadable Microsoft Word template. Please, use your surname as the name of the file containing the abstract.

Abstract sample title: let your imagination roam (Arial 14, bold, sentence case, usual formatting)

Leptodora Katherine1, Chydorus George M.*2, Polyphemus Phil1,2

1affiliation, city, country (Arial 11 – Italic)

2affiliation, city, country

* email address of the presenting author (Arial 11 – Italic)

Abstract of maximum 250 words in Arial 11, justified, single paragraph. Standard formatting applied as necessary, including italics, subscript etc. Cladocera sunt bestiolae minimae, quae in aquis dulcibus et salsis paene toto orbe terrarum vivunt. Daphnia regina eorum est et aliae in umbra eius habitant. Felicissimi sumus quod omnes eas studere possumus, inter parva Alona et magna Leptodora.

Keywords: (maximum 5, separated by semicolons, in Arial 10)

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