
Keynote speakers

Two excellent European cladocerologists, Justyna Wolinska (Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries & Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) and Jana Isanta-Navarro (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) accepted our invitation to give keynote lectures. Learn more about them.


The abstracts of presentaitons (whether intended as oral or poster) should be submitted by May 31 to allow for scheduling the conference programme (detailed instructions). The decision of the acceptance of the contributions, and its form, will be communicated to the participants in the following weeks. 

Oral presentations

The timeslot for a standard talk will likely be 15 minutes including the discussion. The contribution itself should use less time, to allow for questions. Details will be announced along with the programme.


Contributions presented as poster will not be neglected! Posters will be displayed in the former cloisters (courtyard of the conference venue) throughout the whole meeting.

Posters should not exceed the A0 dimensions in portrait orientation (width × height: 84 × 119 cm, or 33.1 in × 46.8 in)!

Poster presenters will have a chance to highlight their work in front of the whole audience in a brief advertisement talk before the poster session. This talk should not try to repeat the content of the poster or show all results, rather to stimulate the curiosity of the audience. The associated presentation should not exceed 3 slides and 1 min in length.

Student presentations

All talks and posters by student participants will be evaluated by a committee for content and originality of the research as well as quality of the presentation. Best three student talks and posters will be awarded.

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